Friday, December 12, 2008

Was Gandhi a Christian?

This is more for older people because he does not have alot of influence on my generation but even though he did not directly claim to be I am certain God worked through him and accomplished many things.  Here is why I say that.

"A man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act."
Mohandas Gandhi

Sounds a lot like Jesus does it not?

Gandhi replied, "Oh, I don't reject your Christ. I love your Christ. It's just that so many of you Christians are so unlike your Christ."

He lead a non-violent "Salt March" when the British prevented the Indian people from making or gathering salt. The officers clubbed the unarmed protesters. Eventually this enabled India to gain their freedom from Britain.

This is an example of Jesus's teaching on "Turning the other cheek" and is certainly easy to say but hard to do.

Luke 6:29
If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also. If someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also.

From looking at his quotes online I find that at least 75% of them are in line with the biblical teachings of Jesus.  Even though he did great things and had a great phyosofical understanding and I do not know if he will be in heaven but he did love Jesus and did understand Grace or as he would say "the freedom to make mistakes". Did he turn from sin? Yes its clear he was turning from evil. Was he born again as per John 3?  Probably not. Did he believe Jesus died for his sins and God raised him from the dead, as required for salvation? Hard to say. I gues that is why God is God and I am not.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cool toys

I played the Nintendo Wii recently with some kids and I am impressed
with the way the controllers work making it more of a body workout than
a thumb eye coordination. Also the non-violent games are pretty nice
too. I think Nintendo must have more in mind than sales numbers.

The power of God working in your life does not originate with
preventative Chiropractic and Neurology care but it does help with pain
from footholds, depression, blind spots, burdens, uneven yokes, and
other issues resulting from wanting to be "normal".  These guys have
done a pretty good job with me my neck should be at 45 deg. but was at
20 deg. now it is 27 deg. with enough treatment I am sure I could be
healed alot more.  There are alot of other healing advantages I really
won't explain here.

Back to Health Chiropractic Fishers Landing

Here is another big word. e⋅van⋅ge⋅lism

the preaching or promulgation of the gospel; the work of an evangelist. (it is not sales, but will not return void)

Being a living sacrifice is the surrender to God and his will, accepting
whatever you go through as a chance to grow in faith and worship of God.

It is not that I am looking for something big or better its just that some
groups just do not have what it takes to do this alone. I am amazed at how complex simple things can be.  Also I have a
tendency to try and multiply what can be gotten from a project or
something God has done, sometimes its spirit guided and sometimes just
additional wisdom. So I should designate the difference I guess.

Its all about what God says you need not about what you say or others believe you need. Often its not what we want I have found. I know God is doing his job and he wants what is best for me. I know that I am not God, and as amazing as it sounds some people are not so sure they are not.  Jesus came not to bring peace but the sword turning people against oneanother because of who he is and what he has done we can find real lasting peace.