The issue here is when the truth concerning God is mixed up polluted and distorted into something else. Its true that if all you do is choose different words that you can re-brand Christianity into something else however God does not lie or contradict himself these is a line he draws down the middle so to speak. As you can imagine over time before and after Christ people have tried to monopolize and fork the truth about God and make it into other things usually money or power are involved. Some things that are not of God are attributed to him or mostly what we simply overlook as a pagan belief system and unknowingly follow the teachings of a deceptive spirit. I get this from the bible and a bit of what God has revealed to me. Just as God revealed to Peter who Jesus was and on him Jesus built his church, Jesus knew the bible would be written and the experiences and conversations recorded. Another example is when the prostitute poured perfume on his feet and he says everywhere the Gospel is preached this story will be told in remembrance of her. The old testament talks of flying scrolls and such too.
So, one major thing is the Satanic trinity. The false father illegitimate son and unholy spirit. Have you ever heard of a woman who “holds the family together” well that is the unholy spirit and the sinful nature. The extreme and ultimate rise of a great prostitute who causes kings of the earth to commit adultery with her. Thus “connecting them together” in the family of Satan. Its debatable if indulgence drugs is part of this but in any case its the holy spirit of God that is to hold families together.
The false god of Satan is the evil stepfather in this pyramid and wants his will to be done and not the will of God and though God allows it to happen it is still part of the plan and has been trying to enslave us ever since the beginning.
The spirit of the Antichrist or deception is the illegitimate son an identity thief and probably homosexual, considering the false profit would be his partner or whatever. That spirit is here now but has not been able to rise up until God allows it. Countries and states that allow gay marriage are setting themselves apart as “reservations” for witch doctors shawmen or whatever. This is part of the addenda so to speak. Another issue is to create distrust in the scriptures and so anything that prevents people from knowing the will or word of God plays into this plan.
The odd thing is that a lot of women who are power hungry or something actually prefer a witchcraft culture because they feel more important or powerful. I really do not understand this, why be a queen in hell? Eternity is a long time and if you want to and are ready God will gladly get you out.
Even if you have been working for the enemy its not too late and it will be hard probably but anyone can get free from his traps. Some people are just weaker in different areas. If you are a servant you should serve God directly to please him by leading people and serve people but to please God. If you are a manipulator you should let the servants lead you as you and they will gain greater passion.
I wish games were more theologically accurate the evil deceptions of Satan are misrepresented and Satan can not fight against Satan nor does God fight against God. People however are capable of fighting for both sides at any given time without Christ reigning in their hearts and stepping out of his grace.
Another thing I have noticed is some people who have evil spirits in them will sort of growl at me. This is like a stage before Satan can speak through them if left to grow. Jesus calls false prophets wolves. And I imagine that the myths about werewolves come from this. False prophets often just tell you what you want to hear because they can listen to a variety of voices. Its similar to the spiritually dead is like vampires in that they drain the life out of others. I don't know a lot about how this works but they put burdens on people that they should give to God or refuse to forgive from the heart not just your mind that would release them, so as a result pulled into a hellish like loop.
A few things that I have noticed is apparently called blame shifting where you blame others for mistakes or sins but never take responsibility. Place shifting where you move something or trade places with someone. I guess its like a vicarious thing where you do not like yourself so you do it to feel better. Another funny issue is when people try and get credit for what the lord has done or is doing all for themselves. Yes the lord works through people but there is only one father and one teacher. The small g way is to use a lot of suggestion or put someone in a small box to try and get someone to worship you or get your desired result. The proper way of course is to just ask them to do it. The enemy often will try and reproduce past circumstances that caused failures because it worked. This is not just in your head via bad experiences or whatever. Fortune tellers use this method a lot I think, one of these spirits was in a girl who followed Paul claiming he was the servant of the most high God (Zeus I think it was). It was sort of true but not considering the context.
A lot of what Satan does is a mockery of what God does, its out of context and its backwards or repeats it sarcastically out of unbelief or not able to understand. You must be born again before anything regarding his kingdom will really make sense to you. I have met several people who apparently can only handle about one word out of an entire sermon. Worse yet they try and use even that single word out of context. If they only knew what they were missing they would clean the inside of the cup of their hearts so they can replace it with new wine.
God works differently in different people's lives and for me he often gives me things far in advance because of my capacity and how he has wired me. For others it might simply be do this or that in the short term. I often speak far in advance as well so if something does not happen right away its not to worry it will later on if it was from God or mere wisdom of men. Trials and tests by fire are part of the deal for Christ followers. It refines us and makes any impurities or bad seeds known to us and removable.
You must get baptized with water and with the holy spirit in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. In acts I think it was the apostles ran into several groups of believers and some had the holy spirit yet had yet to be baptized with water. Another group had only been baptized with water for repentance because they had not heard of the one Jesus commanded. If you are a Christ follower you MUST actually do the will of the father and it is his will that you be baptized with water in the name of the father son and holy spirit. It will not get you saved but if you refuse you are not going to experience the full power of Christ in your life and run the risk of being lukewarm in THE faith.
The original post

So, one major thing is the Satanic trinity. The false father illegitimate son and unholy spirit. Have you ever heard of a woman who “holds the family together” well that is the unholy spirit and the sinful nature. The extreme and ultimate rise of a great prostitute who causes kings of the earth to commit adultery with her. Thus “connecting them together” in the family of Satan. Its debatable if indulgence drugs is part of this but in any case its the holy spirit of God that is to hold families together.
The false god of Satan is the evil stepfather in this pyramid and wants his will to be done and not the will of God and though God allows it to happen it is still part of the plan and has been trying to enslave us ever since the beginning.
The spirit of the Antichrist or deception is the illegitimate son an identity thief and probably homosexual, considering the false profit would be his partner or whatever. That spirit is here now but has not been able to rise up until God allows it. Countries and states that allow gay marriage are setting themselves apart as “reservations” for witch doctors shawmen or whatever. This is part of the addenda so to speak. Another issue is to create distrust in the scriptures and so anything that prevents people from knowing the will or word of God plays into this plan.
The odd thing is that a lot of women who are power hungry or something actually prefer a witchcraft culture because they feel more important or powerful. I really do not understand this, why be a queen in hell? Eternity is a long time and if you want to and are ready God will gladly get you out.
Even if you have been working for the enemy its not too late and it will be hard probably but anyone can get free from his traps. Some people are just weaker in different areas. If you are a servant you should serve God directly to please him by leading people and serve people but to please God. If you are a manipulator you should let the servants lead you as you and they will gain greater passion.
I wish games were more theologically accurate the evil deceptions of Satan are misrepresented and Satan can not fight against Satan nor does God fight against God. People however are capable of fighting for both sides at any given time without Christ reigning in their hearts and stepping out of his grace.
Another thing I have noticed is some people who have evil spirits in them will sort of growl at me. This is like a stage before Satan can speak through them if left to grow. Jesus calls false prophets wolves. And I imagine that the myths about werewolves come from this. False prophets often just tell you what you want to hear because they can listen to a variety of voices. Its similar to the spiritually dead is like vampires in that they drain the life out of others. I don't know a lot about how this works but they put burdens on people that they should give to God or refuse to forgive from the heart not just your mind that would release them, so as a result pulled into a hellish like loop.
A few things that I have noticed is apparently called blame shifting where you blame others for mistakes or sins but never take responsibility. Place shifting where you move something or trade places with someone. I guess its like a vicarious thing where you do not like yourself so you do it to feel better. Another funny issue is when people try and get credit for what the lord has done or is doing all for themselves. Yes the lord works through people but there is only one father and one teacher. The small g way is to use a lot of suggestion or put someone in a small box to try and get someone to worship you or get your desired result. The proper way of course is to just ask them to do it. The enemy often will try and reproduce past circumstances that caused failures because it worked. This is not just in your head via bad experiences or whatever. Fortune tellers use this method a lot I think, one of these spirits was in a girl who followed Paul claiming he was the servant of the most high God (Zeus I think it was). It was sort of true but not considering the context.
A lot of what Satan does is a mockery of what God does, its out of context and its backwards or repeats it sarcastically out of unbelief or not able to understand. You must be born again before anything regarding his kingdom will really make sense to you. I have met several people who apparently can only handle about one word out of an entire sermon. Worse yet they try and use even that single word out of context. If they only knew what they were missing they would clean the inside of the cup of their hearts so they can replace it with new wine.
God works differently in different people's lives and for me he often gives me things far in advance because of my capacity and how he has wired me. For others it might simply be do this or that in the short term. I often speak far in advance as well so if something does not happen right away its not to worry it will later on if it was from God or mere wisdom of men. Trials and tests by fire are part of the deal for Christ followers. It refines us and makes any impurities or bad seeds known to us and removable.
You must get baptized with water and with the holy spirit in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. In acts I think it was the apostles ran into several groups of believers and some had the holy spirit yet had yet to be baptized with water. Another group had only been baptized with water for repentance because they had not heard of the one Jesus commanded. If you are a Christ follower you MUST actually do the will of the father and it is his will that you be baptized with water in the name of the father son and holy spirit. It will not get you saved but if you refuse you are not going to experience the full power of Christ in your life and run the risk of being lukewarm in THE faith.
The original post