Have you ever been in a situation like this? I have had a few situations like this one where the right thing is the not the best for anyone. I am not sure how killing the good guy makes any sence but I would have killed the evil emporer. Then try and get the girl back of course. I also have been in situations like Windu where a teammate tries to chop your hand off because they don't see clearly enough to tell who is the enemy.
As far as a defensive reality goes there is alot of place swaping with Carey and I is an issue. She is the one that likes working with kids. Lets see here she likes romance and is a virgin actually. I used to drink and party alot but now I do not far from it actually. There used to be alot of people saying they are dating me or something both men and women actually. I rarely studder. I have never played hockey. I am not working for my uncle for 7 years because his daughter had that sparkle lol. I am not God the holy spirit or Jesus but I have joined their group. I do not know the future unless God tells me. I am not very good at administration I don't think but I do see where its going. Carey is probably more like that. That is vision casting basically and not always the will or word of God just wisdom. I have had dreams or visions that are directly from God as well. I did lead an outreach where we cast out evil spirits and God did at least one miracle. There was another homeless ministry that I was involved with that handed out lunches to the homeless but that was a different thing. That stuff was a long time ago.