This is one of those blogs I do not like to really write but it needs to be done. I had hoped to write another one using the fire but not right now. This is going to be long very long maybe the longest I have written. I just saw Mike Miller's sermon today online and it was interesting I have not been watching them recently much I am just too busy plus I am more here to serve than to be served. I have some good stuff brewing up for my next blog. So if this bores you check back later this one is more for those I know and who are working with me not against me or even Christ for that matter. Lets just be real here I know God's will and most of you don't I will be telling you more and more what that is but thats just how it is. Not that I am hiding the truth its just that I do not want to give anyone an unfair advantage. John in the book of revelation and also Paul were directed not to share certain things. There are like a bunch of different markers along the road that need to be in place before I can go to the next thing and people who follow christ will do those things without any help from me. If you have been keeping up with my blogs my enemies will prepare the way however it will be God's chosen who open the door. There is an issue apparently with manipulation of the holy spirit I mean it is biblical to use prayer to get what you want however its important to want his will over yours. See God says "come near to me and I will come near to you" that is the only condition it is said to believers but not nessesarily limited to them. He knows better what is needed and has already equiped us for the battle to come. Reguarding gifts of the spirit God will give us whatever gift is needed at that time so nothing is actually being taken away however some oppress others opportunistically so it looks like its taken away using unbelief thus limiting God's power. Also consider the verse about God's call and his gifts cannot be revoked. I think the view of taking something to far such as praying against people is more like opposites attracting. If God gives you a good word for instance satan will counter that with a big lie. Its like warfare sort of. The battle of Christ followers is not with flesh and blood at all really however in the physical we tend to associate that with certain people and its true the enemy works through certain people more and they will be accountable for that. If your battle is with people you probably are on the wrong team. Personally my more radical discipleship is only a few years old so I noticed there was some old software on my computer that might not have been legit so I have been getting rid of it. I will try and give words from God instead of writing about ones I have recieved. I guess that makes it confusing to some. Here are a few once I spoke of being a pastor of pastors even though I am not a real one yet and that was fullfilled but only part time and the fruit was good until it was put in the basket with the bad fruit. Actually its more like yeast working through the dough. Also God spoke throught me about the battle is not with flesh and blood and later God made good on those and we engaged in some hefty warfare spiritually. Jesus says people will betray each other and hate each other and thats alot of what I am seeing. I guess alot of the fragments of my mission are being put together wrong like where did the thing about kids come from? Its important and part of the deal but those who grow up with electric cars are not from the fuel injection generation that I understand better.
One time Jesus actually calls Judas his friend after he already knew and told him he would betry him. In another part of the story Jesus says he did not trust them because he knew human nature. I don't really trust many people these days not that I feel they are against me, however many are. One issue is that when you know what you are supposed to do it makes life hard until you can do it. This is going to be great once we put it all together its been funny seeing all the alternate realities try and spring up. Another issue is many do not really want God to speak to them they want him to speak through them so they just go around and around but if they wanted to do God's will things would be better. Mostly they use tactics like distraction and such. Its like they do not enter themselves and prevent others from entering as Jesus would say. Here is the solution fast + pray + word = deeper roots, clean inside of the cup, get down to the rock and build on that. I am not doing this to have a street named after me in every major city but it would be nice.
Jesus says if you love me why don't you do what I say? Sometimes I used to and still do somewhat, a weird interchange of I, You, they its from looking at a group as one body and married people as one. Jesus did similar things and also from hearing how we must keep sharing focused on our own thoughts and other such limitations. All people groups are belong to him but some illegitamit children indeed should be on a seperate reservation like witch doctors and shaman until their brief time comes. I hope to be out of here by then one way or another. I think one great measure of an organization pod or group is how you treat your slaves don't you? Here is another thing, is there online schools for inmates. I wonder if they would go for that. I suppose it might need to be in ebonics and spanish also but either way its an uphill climb. Once I had a strategy in mind to turn satan against himself because his kingdom will not stand but its not working as well as hoped. He does indeed hate everyone. The kingdom will continue to advance and will not be overtaken by darkness however if you defile the temple it will be destroyed, the temple is the body. I have a linked strategy to take out the trade deficit also and nail imigration issues that I hope to release sometime. This economic part is wisdom not prophetic at least not directly. Oh yeah that reminds me stop trying to copy the holy sprit in what it did before and believe God is leading you. Good wisdom leaves room for God to work however just because God did it once does not mean he will do the same thing again. Learn to listen its internal. External is more like for encouragers and administrative stuff like that. How do you exspect him to reward you if what your doing is the will of man? I never switched sides really unless you do not really understand but mostly I am glad to be an American at this point. One thing I see bad leaders do is they find some sort of truth or info and then lie to others to hold them back thats stupid. Check out the John Maxwell book 360 degree leader its great if you can. I never read it but I got some of the teachings from the video and its great stuff. One reason the jews had Jesus crucified is that they feared loosing their positions. I am seeing alot of issues now with republican theology getting in the way of purpose and creativity I suppose we really need to solve these big issues fast and figure out what we are supposed to do next as a nation. Going to mars sounds nice. Alot of people belive we should revert to 1940s culture and in some ways I agree however I also believe we really need to maintain military and technological supperiority if possible. The big reason why we are the success we are is that the people we put in charge of do we Nuke em or not is somewhat sane. A work and play model is the best system I have come accross. Our actual needs in life are rather simple and it would be rather easy to virtually guarantee everyone basic needs and cut working hard for no reason. Puting Fun as part of the job so to speak would not be that hard if we did things the way God wants. Servants were meant to be in charge thats whats best for everyone. Oh and just in case you were wondering I am not God please no worship.
I really hope to go on offence soon. I am certain if you look at the potential crisis of loosing oil that would come from the middle east you would understand why we needed to go to war there. As to is it worth it lets ask those in the sand and see what they say. Thats not for us in our gas guzeling SUVs to decide honestly. The discipleship of nations is a big step and I think we are in the wrong direction short term but long term I think we are going to be ok. I have found that commander and chief jobs are rather scarce and hard to get lol. I trust relationships with those who I know God is with and he has put them there not by the will of man that God allowed, however to the unspiritual it probably looks the same. Once I made some crude and not so clean songs so those probably will come out sometime if they have not already. Goal oriented players are funny when they do things in their own by out running God they make like 2 steps foreward and 3 steps back spiritually usually. At least its easy for them to get into and out of things without being trapped by sin. Its interesting there are probably just as many people to the far right with guns as the far left so falling in love with the system is a waste just like being in love with sin or a lifestyle. So I definately agree forcing separation will actually equate to unity because its only a small percentage that want to destroy us. I mean most would agree Bill Gates is one of the most successful businessmen, I wonder if he wants to add saving the world to that? As long as its unconditional then who can oppose such a thing.
If you hold a sign at an intersection that says "honk if you love Jesus" you would be supprised at how many cars honk and how many look like they believe they must be missing out. I think Jesus might just make a comeback as fationable. I think its been thoroughly proven that influence can happen at all levels of an organization or a non-organized one. Its important to mention that satan is and has been repeating over the same attack pattern so if I sound unforgiving its not that at all. Also in the bible it says the religous leaders were afraid of loosing their positions or place John 11:48. You must forgive to be forgiven because refusal prevents you from entering grace. What you say also defiles you from entering the kingdom of heaven. With the blind leading the blind you wont get there because you need someone spiritual to restore you and if they are not you will have a hard time getting through it.
Paul did compare churches or groups in his letters. I think knowing the pastor of your group personally will be important here soon official or not. There is only one way to get the holy spirit obey God. When I use words like "they" its because I am trying to keep specifics between me and those who its intended for. Sometimes even when something does not go around and around for me personally it does for others and it effects my life. It looks like some are going to try and get together and get some good looking or famous person to form a new resource and relationship based group. Probably in order to make lots of money on by milking the sheep and hire some famous or good looking hypocrite to join them. Again if its not built by God the builders labor in vein personally or professionally. Just say NO to the Cast system lol. Sorry if this weird list of info is boring that was a funny one however. Its true they are like crabs if someone gets free they pull them back in. Thats a quote of I am not sure who on TBN. Lets see here, also I know of a place where the higher rate hookers hang out that is not patrolled by police much if at all and probably some major businessmen and government or even police are their clients. I did notice they have nice purses however. I am not really into the whole prostitute your kids thing that other messed up nations deal with. One of the things that is not God's will is that any of these little ones should perish. If you cause them to fall into sin there will be consequences.
The apostle Paul recieved the gospel by the direct revelation of Jesus Christ. Acts 22:14-22 also what Jesus says is he was chosen to know God's will and hear his words. He did not recieve the honor of having his name written on the foundations of the new Jeruselem like the 12 did. I wonder if Judas will have his name there? The greek word apostle means "one who is sent". Sometimes people confuse it with "missionary" and the greek word definitions are the same basically. The difference is the apostles were more authoritative and God will endorse them publically by doing miracles and healing through them. It has nothing to do with personality God chose all sorts of people. It is debateable if when paul says he is "all things to all people" if this is catagorized as a missionary charactoristic or not as he was considered both. Its a matter of opinion but Peter says that Paul's writtings are hard to understand. At least we assume he is talking about Paul. Paul worked building tents that was his trade but his calling was to preach the gospel to the gentile nations. Not that he was not serving God. He did it for many reasons, to set an example, to not be a financial burden while he was there, and also to be faultless among the believers. 1 Thessalonians 2:9 We each must do what we are supposed to do. If the greek language was used Moses and Elijah would probably qualify as apostles as Moses's mission was to deliver his people from the enslavement of an evil government into the promised land. Elijah's mission to deliver his people from false prophets and evil leaders.
Matthew 10:14
If any household or town refuses to welcome you or listen to your message, shake its dust from your feet as you leave.
Felix at one place hopes for a bribe from Paul but he never gets it no matter how long he was in jail. Not to compare people to a mere human standard but Ruth Graham was sort of like bi-polar except I am sure she stayed Christ centered about it and was essential and just as called by God as Billy Graham was she was able to be like a father and a mother to their children as he was often gone for extended amounts of time.
Competition for numbers is not what its about but what its about produces that result. Apparently some did not figure out we are trying to get everyone in one group so they think its about competition. People not doing their jobs is part of why we are in this mess. Competition for fruit should encourage alliances with other groups and embrace diversity like my fruit + your fruit = more fruit and potential. Also in this way it will make pruning easier as dead branches will fall off or loose their power to hold us back.
The lord has told me to keep in mind that I am more well armored that most Christians especially new ones. So I am sorry if my example is hard to follow. I am also encouraged by others speed and initiative to get things done. I do not know who has things against me however I can sence it. All those I have asked have denied it.
After reading this blog again its clear some things are certainly inspired.
Zeberiah Nathaniel Cameron
Just another servant of the God of the universe.
One time Jesus actually calls Judas his friend after he already knew and told him he would betry him. In another part of the story Jesus says he did not trust them because he knew human nature. I don't really trust many people these days not that I feel they are against me, however many are. One issue is that when you know what you are supposed to do it makes life hard until you can do it. This is going to be great once we put it all together its been funny seeing all the alternate realities try and spring up. Another issue is many do not really want God to speak to them they want him to speak through them so they just go around and around but if they wanted to do God's will things would be better. Mostly they use tactics like distraction and such. Its like they do not enter themselves and prevent others from entering as Jesus would say. Here is the solution fast + pray + word = deeper roots, clean inside of the cup, get down to the rock and build on that. I am not doing this to have a street named after me in every major city but it would be nice.
Jesus says if you love me why don't you do what I say? Sometimes I used to and still do somewhat, a weird interchange of I, You, they its from looking at a group as one body and married people as one. Jesus did similar things and also from hearing how we must keep sharing focused on our own thoughts and other such limitations. All people groups are belong to him but some illegitamit children indeed should be on a seperate reservation like witch doctors and shaman until their brief time comes. I hope to be out of here by then one way or another. I think one great measure of an organization pod or group is how you treat your slaves don't you? Here is another thing, is there online schools for inmates. I wonder if they would go for that. I suppose it might need to be in ebonics and spanish also but either way its an uphill climb. Once I had a strategy in mind to turn satan against himself because his kingdom will not stand but its not working as well as hoped. He does indeed hate everyone. The kingdom will continue to advance and will not be overtaken by darkness however if you defile the temple it will be destroyed, the temple is the body. I have a linked strategy to take out the trade deficit also and nail imigration issues that I hope to release sometime. This economic part is wisdom not prophetic at least not directly. Oh yeah that reminds me stop trying to copy the holy sprit in what it did before and believe God is leading you. Good wisdom leaves room for God to work however just because God did it once does not mean he will do the same thing again. Learn to listen its internal. External is more like for encouragers and administrative stuff like that. How do you exspect him to reward you if what your doing is the will of man? I never switched sides really unless you do not really understand but mostly I am glad to be an American at this point. One thing I see bad leaders do is they find some sort of truth or info and then lie to others to hold them back thats stupid. Check out the John Maxwell book 360 degree leader its great if you can. I never read it but I got some of the teachings from the video and its great stuff. One reason the jews had Jesus crucified is that they feared loosing their positions. I am seeing alot of issues now with republican theology getting in the way of purpose and creativity I suppose we really need to solve these big issues fast and figure out what we are supposed to do next as a nation. Going to mars sounds nice. Alot of people belive we should revert to 1940s culture and in some ways I agree however I also believe we really need to maintain military and technological supperiority if possible. The big reason why we are the success we are is that the people we put in charge of do we Nuke em or not is somewhat sane. A work and play model is the best system I have come accross. Our actual needs in life are rather simple and it would be rather easy to virtually guarantee everyone basic needs and cut working hard for no reason. Puting Fun as part of the job so to speak would not be that hard if we did things the way God wants. Servants were meant to be in charge thats whats best for everyone. Oh and just in case you were wondering I am not God please no worship.
I really hope to go on offence soon. I am certain if you look at the potential crisis of loosing oil that would come from the middle east you would understand why we needed to go to war there. As to is it worth it lets ask those in the sand and see what they say. Thats not for us in our gas guzeling SUVs to decide honestly. The discipleship of nations is a big step and I think we are in the wrong direction short term but long term I think we are going to be ok. I have found that commander and chief jobs are rather scarce and hard to get lol. I trust relationships with those who I know God is with and he has put them there not by the will of man that God allowed, however to the unspiritual it probably looks the same. Once I made some crude and not so clean songs so those probably will come out sometime if they have not already. Goal oriented players are funny when they do things in their own by out running God they make like 2 steps foreward and 3 steps back spiritually usually. At least its easy for them to get into and out of things without being trapped by sin. Its interesting there are probably just as many people to the far right with guns as the far left so falling in love with the system is a waste just like being in love with sin or a lifestyle. So I definately agree forcing separation will actually equate to unity because its only a small percentage that want to destroy us. I mean most would agree Bill Gates is one of the most successful businessmen, I wonder if he wants to add saving the world to that? As long as its unconditional then who can oppose such a thing.
If you hold a sign at an intersection that says "honk if you love Jesus" you would be supprised at how many cars honk and how many look like they believe they must be missing out. I think Jesus might just make a comeback as fationable. I think its been thoroughly proven that influence can happen at all levels of an organization or a non-organized one. Its important to mention that satan is and has been repeating over the same attack pattern so if I sound unforgiving its not that at all. Also in the bible it says the religous leaders were afraid of loosing their positions or place John 11:48. You must forgive to be forgiven because refusal prevents you from entering grace. What you say also defiles you from entering the kingdom of heaven. With the blind leading the blind you wont get there because you need someone spiritual to restore you and if they are not you will have a hard time getting through it.
Paul did compare churches or groups in his letters. I think knowing the pastor of your group personally will be important here soon official or not. There is only one way to get the holy spirit obey God. When I use words like "they" its because I am trying to keep specifics between me and those who its intended for. Sometimes even when something does not go around and around for me personally it does for others and it effects my life. It looks like some are going to try and get together and get some good looking or famous person to form a new resource and relationship based group. Probably in order to make lots of money on by milking the sheep and hire some famous or good looking hypocrite to join them. Again if its not built by God the builders labor in vein personally or professionally. Just say NO to the Cast system lol. Sorry if this weird list of info is boring that was a funny one however. Its true they are like crabs if someone gets free they pull them back in. Thats a quote of I am not sure who on TBN. Lets see here, also I know of a place where the higher rate hookers hang out that is not patrolled by police much if at all and probably some major businessmen and government or even police are their clients. I did notice they have nice purses however. I am not really into the whole prostitute your kids thing that other messed up nations deal with. One of the things that is not God's will is that any of these little ones should perish. If you cause them to fall into sin there will be consequences.
The apostle Paul recieved the gospel by the direct revelation of Jesus Christ. Acts 22:14-22 also what Jesus says is he was chosen to know God's will and hear his words. He did not recieve the honor of having his name written on the foundations of the new Jeruselem like the 12 did. I wonder if Judas will have his name there? The greek word apostle means "one who is sent". Sometimes people confuse it with "missionary" and the greek word definitions are the same basically. The difference is the apostles were more authoritative and God will endorse them publically by doing miracles and healing through them. It has nothing to do with personality God chose all sorts of people. It is debateable if when paul says he is "all things to all people" if this is catagorized as a missionary charactoristic or not as he was considered both. Its a matter of opinion but Peter says that Paul's writtings are hard to understand. At least we assume he is talking about Paul. Paul worked building tents that was his trade but his calling was to preach the gospel to the gentile nations. Not that he was not serving God. He did it for many reasons, to set an example, to not be a financial burden while he was there, and also to be faultless among the believers. 1 Thessalonians 2:9 We each must do what we are supposed to do. If the greek language was used Moses and Elijah would probably qualify as apostles as Moses's mission was to deliver his people from the enslavement of an evil government into the promised land. Elijah's mission to deliver his people from false prophets and evil leaders.
Matthew 10:14
If any household or town refuses to welcome you or listen to your message, shake its dust from your feet as you leave.
Felix at one place hopes for a bribe from Paul but he never gets it no matter how long he was in jail. Not to compare people to a mere human standard but Ruth Graham was sort of like bi-polar except I am sure she stayed Christ centered about it and was essential and just as called by God as Billy Graham was she was able to be like a father and a mother to their children as he was often gone for extended amounts of time.
Competition for numbers is not what its about but what its about produces that result. Apparently some did not figure out we are trying to get everyone in one group so they think its about competition. People not doing their jobs is part of why we are in this mess. Competition for fruit should encourage alliances with other groups and embrace diversity like my fruit + your fruit = more fruit and potential. Also in this way it will make pruning easier as dead branches will fall off or loose their power to hold us back.
The lord has told me to keep in mind that I am more well armored that most Christians especially new ones. So I am sorry if my example is hard to follow. I am also encouraged by others speed and initiative to get things done. I do not know who has things against me however I can sence it. All those I have asked have denied it.
After reading this blog again its clear some things are certainly inspired.
Zeberiah Nathaniel Cameron
Just another servant of the God of the universe.
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